Fastn Color Scheme
from Figma jsonIt happens quite often that we get a hold of some nice color-scheme package which we believe would look good on our pages but we don't want to use the same color-scheme as it is. Sometimes, we want to do some tweaks on top of that already good looking color-scheme and create our own super awesome color-scheme specific for our websites.
In ftd
, you can create your own color-scheme package from
the exported fastn color-scheme json generated from figma.
If you have come here, you might be already familiar
with using fastn color-scheme json in Figma using Token Studio for Figma
If not, then visit this guide.
Token Studio for figma
(Figma Tokens)
plugin installed, then awesome. If not, then visit the above link.Download the below json code as a new json file named forest-cs.json
by clicking on the download icon in the code-block below.
You can also get this json from its
color documentation{
"forest-cs-light": {
"Accent Colors": {
"primary": {
"value": "#4ed42d",
"type": "color"
"secondary": {
"value": "#4fb2df",
"type": "color"
"tertiary": {
"value": "#c5cbd7",
"type": "color"
"Background Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#e5e6e2",
"type": "color"
"code": {
"value": "#eaeaea",
"type": "color"
"overlay": {
"value": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)",
"type": "color"
"step-1": {
"value": "#293434",
"type": "color"
"step-2": {
"value": "#7c9e9d",
"type": "color"
"CTA Danger Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#f9e4e1",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#e9968c",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "#faeceb",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#d97973",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#f1bdb6",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#d46a63",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#fffbfe",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"CTA Primary Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#0d712c",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#6dd59569",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "#6dd59569",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#195c2e",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#129039",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#0a690b",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#50b968eb",
"type": "color"
"CTA Secondary Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#4fb2df",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#209fdb",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "rgba(79, 178, 223, 0.4)",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#5ea4c3",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#61b5dc",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#1da7e6",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#ffffff",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"CTA Tertiary Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#556375",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#e2e4e7",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "rgba(85, 99, 117, 0.4)",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#4a4d51",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#636d7a",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#3b4047",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#ffffff",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"Custom Colors": {
"eight": {
"value": "#d554b3",
"type": "color"
"five": {
"value": "#eb57be",
"type": "color"
"four": {
"value": "#7a65c7",
"type": "color"
"nine": {
"value": "#ec8943",
"type": "color"
"one": {
"value": "#ed753a",
"type": "color"
"seven": {
"value": "#7564be",
"type": "color"
"six": {
"value": "#ef8dd6",
"type": "color"
"ten": {
"value": "#da7a4a",
"type": "color"
"three": {
"value": "#8fdcf8",
"type": "color"
"two": {
"value": "#f3db5f",
"type": "color"
"Error Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#2a2a24",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#df2b2b",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#f5bdbb",
"type": "color"
"Info Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#252f2a",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#252f2a",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#252f2a",
"type": "color"
"Standalone Colors": {
"border": {
"value": "#434547",
"type": "color"
"border-strong": {
"value": "#919192",
"type": "color"
"scrim": {
"value": "#007f9b",
"type": "color"
"shadow": {
"value": "#007f9b",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#556f68",
"type": "color"
"text-strong": {
"value": "#ffffff",
"type": "color"
"Success Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#282f25",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#3d741f",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#e3f0c4",
"type": "color"
"Warning Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#2a2f24",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#966220",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#fbefba",
"type": "color"
"forest-cs-dark": {
"Accent Colors": {
"primary": {
"value": "#4ed42d",
"type": "color"
"secondary": {
"value": "#4fb2df",
"type": "color"
"tertiary": {
"value": "#c5cbd7",
"type": "color"
"Background Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#131a13",
"type": "color"
"code": {
"value": "#2b303b",
"type": "color"
"overlay": {
"value": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)",
"type": "color"
"step-1": {
"value": "#182517",
"type": "color"
"step-2": {
"value": "#233221",
"type": "color"
"CTA Danger Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#f9e4e1",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#e9968c",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "#faeceb",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#d97973",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#f1bdb6",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#d46a63",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#1c1b1f",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"CTA Primary Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#0d712c",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#6dd59569",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "#6dd59569",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#195c2e",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#129039",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#0a690b",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#50b968eb",
"type": "color"
"CTA Secondary Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#4fb2df",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#209fdb",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "rgba(79, 178, 223, 0.4)",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#5ea4c3",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#61b5dc",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#1da7e6",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#ffffff",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"CTA Tertiary Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#556375",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#e2e4e7",
"type": "color"
"border-disabled": {
"value": "#2b8074",
"type": "color"
"disabled": {
"value": "rgba(85, 99, 117, 0.4)",
"type": "color"
"focused": {
"value": "#4a4d51",
"type": "color"
"hover": {
"value": "#636d7a",
"type": "color"
"pressed": {
"value": "#3b4047",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#ffffff",
"type": "color"
"text-disabled": {
"value": "#feffff",
"type": "color"
"Custom Colors": {
"eight": {
"value": "#d554b3",
"type": "color"
"five": {
"value": "#eb57be",
"type": "color"
"four": {
"value": "#7a65c7",
"type": "color"
"nine": {
"value": "#ec8943",
"type": "color"
"one": {
"value": "#ed753a",
"type": "color"
"seven": {
"value": "#7564be",
"type": "color"
"six": {
"value": "#ef8dd6",
"type": "color"
"ten": {
"value": "#da7a4a",
"type": "color"
"three": {
"value": "#8fdcf8",
"type": "color"
"two": {
"value": "#f3db5f",
"type": "color"
"Error Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#2a2a24",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#df2b2b",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#f5bdbb",
"type": "color"
"Info Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#252f2a",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#252f2a",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#252f2a",
"type": "color"
"Standalone Colors": {
"border": {
"value": "#434547",
"type": "color"
"border-strong": {
"value": "#919192",
"type": "color"
"scrim": {
"value": "#007f9b",
"type": "color"
"shadow": {
"value": "#007f9b",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#9ea89e",
"type": "color"
"text-strong": {
"value": "#ffffff",
"type": "color"
"Success Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#282f25",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#3d741f",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#e3f0c4",
"type": "color"
"Warning Colors": {
"base": {
"value": "#2a2f24",
"type": "color"
"border": {
"value": "#966220",
"type": "color"
"text": {
"value": "#fbefba",
"type": "color"
-> Load from File/Folder or Preset
as shown belowFile
tab, click on Choose File
which you saved as shown below.forest-cs-light
checkbox to set the
light color-scheme in your page.Background Colors -> base
inside your figma plugin once you select the rectangle as shown below.Standalone Colors -> text
Guess what we don't like any of these two colors at all in this light color scheme.
Let's say we want the Background Colors -> base
to be some light green color (for eg. #90EE90)
instead of the boring white :(
Background Colors -> base
and click on Edit token option
as shown belowfastn
code which we can use in our fastn
color-scheme package.fastn
code. Copy this fastn
code by clicking
on the copy icon at the top of the code-block above.color-scheme-template
github repositoryThis repo is a template repo for fastn color-schemes, we will create our own color-scheme repo using this. To visit this repo, click here
To do that, click on theUse this template
button then Create a new repository
as shown belowCreate repository
file in your repo and click on the edit buttonThen Paste your copied fastn
Deploy from the branch
and select the branch to
, then hit Save as shown below.Go to your (<github-username><repo>
) page to see your color-scheme
in action.
as shown below